Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
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10.00 - 12.00 Fortnightly COFFEE MORNING (Pat Arnold) 01865 858948 St. Laurence Hall |
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From 09.00 TENNIS LESSONS Various classes for adults and children, informal drop-in (Fiona Reay) 01865 858302 Tennis Courts |
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13.00 - 16.00 PORTRAIT SCULPTURE CLASS (Shirley Collen) 01865 858512 Warborough Sculpture School 102 Thame Road |
Lunch Club Currently suspended |
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19.30 - 21.30 Fortnightly FOCUS PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB (Mick Edwards) 07850 066899 St. Laurence Hall |
19.00 - 20.45 COMMUNITY CHOIR (Penny Astrop) 01865 858512 St. Laurence Hall |
19.30 - 21.30 2nd Wednesday of month WOMEN'S INSTITUTE (Ruth Webb) 01865 858187 St. Laurence Hall |
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From 18.00 SOCIAL TENNIS (Fiona Reay) 01865 858302 Tennis Courts |
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Greet Hall regular classes can be found here, including various exercise classes