Warborough & Shillingford Parish Council is currently served by six Councillors, with a current vacancy for a Parish Councillor. The Parish Council work is delivered through a number of working groups:
- Finance & General Purposes Working Group
- Environment (including Shillingford Wharf)
- Maintenance
- Events
- Communications
- Planning
Councillor Jonnie Bradshaw – Chair
Councillor Richard Pullen
Councillor Emma Keene
Councillor Megan Hanson
Councillor Marina Hamilton
Councillor Nigel Meadows
Parish Clerk Aimee Barnes
If you wish to contact a Councillor then please do so via the clerk by
Email clerk@ws-pc.org.uk
Other Local Representatives
John Howell MP
Member of Parliament
Tel: 0207 219 6676
Email: howelljm@parliament.uk
Website: http://www.johnhowellmp.com/
District Councillor Sue Cooper
South Oxfordshire District Council
District Councillor Andrea Powell
South Oxfordshire District Council
County Councillor Robin Bennett
Oxfordshire County Council Representative
Email: robin.bennett@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Supported By
Parish Clerk – Bryony Ringsell
Tel: 07776 961 046
Email: clerk@ws-pc.org.uk