Warborough & Shillingford Revised Neighbourhood Plan
As part of the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, The Warborough and Shillingford Neighbourhood Plan team, on behalf of Warborough Parish Council (WPC)*, is now undertaking pre-submission consultation on the Warborough and Shillingford Revised Neighbourhood Plan (WSRNP).
WPC is seeking your views on the WSRNP
This pre-submission consultation will commence from 9am on Friday, 15th November 2024, and the closing date for receipt of representations is 5pm on Thursday, 2nd January 2025.
A printed copy of the revised plan, with supporting documents and feedback forms can be accessed at the back of St Laurence Church.
This pre-submission consultation is an opportunity for your feedback to inform the plan before it is submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC).
Please ensure we receive your feedback by 5pm Thursday, 2nd January 2025 by either:
- the Online Feedback Form (preferred), https://forms.office.com/e/Khc3CTG0Hs OR
- posting a completed paper feedback form, found with the plan materials in St Laurence Church, to: WSRNP c/o The WPC Clerk, Greet Hall, Thame Road, Warborough OX10 7DH
All completed forms received by the above date will be recorded and considered in the subsequent draft. A Consultation Statement including a summary of all comments, and how these were considered, will accompany the WSRNP when it is submitted to SODC. This is followed by an additional consultation opportunity before the plan is formally ‘examined’ prior to being ‘made’, when the policies carry full weight in planning matters.
Responses must include your name and address, and are subject to WPC Planning Consultation Privacy Policy, which can be downloaded here – WPC Planning Consultation Privacy Notice In line with SODC’s policy on planning responses, photographs or names provided with consultation responses will be used in public documents.
If you have any questions, please email the Warborough & Shillingford Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group: wandsplan2023@googlegroups.com
Thank you for your help and support in the preparation of the WSRNP.
*Warborough Parish Council includes the village of Warborough and the hamlet of Shillingford
WSRNP Pre Submission Regulation 14 documents:
Warborough & Shillingford Revised Neighbourhood Plan PreSubmission
WSRNP Modification Statement Pre Submission
Appendix 9.1 Character Appraisal Nov 24 rev
Appendix 9.2 Design code Oct 24 rev
Appendix 9.4 WSRNP Strategy for People and Nature Reg 14 Pre Submission
Appendix 9.6 W&S Flood Policy Evidence
Appendix 9.11 Warborough and Shillingford Emergency Planning Group Survey 2024
Appendix 9.13 WSRNP Pedestrian Links Survey Reg 14
The TOR’s for the Neighbourhood Plan Review can be found here
Meeting Minutes